by Matt Wayne, ChrisCross, Prentis Rollins, & co.
6-issue mini-series
, Content:
If I recall correctly, Heroes was intended at one point to be a new ongoing series, to replace
the ailing Shadow Cabinet series. But in the midst of the Milestone implosion (which
also claimed Xombi, Kobalt, and The Blood Syndicate) it was reduced to
mini-series status, and delayed.
"...Just who are you people?" |
I was disappointed to see my fave superhero universe fading away, so it was a pleasure to
finally see "The World Needs... HEROES" emblazoned on the cover of #1 this past Spring.
As is my habit with series of this length, I read the first couple issues, decided it was
worth collecting, then bought and shelved the remaining issues to read in one sitting.
This is the story about a few refugees from the Shadow Cabinet, a covert organisation
dedicated to saving humanity from itself... through questionable means. Fed up with that
mode of operation, they and some allies establish themselves as an above-ground superhero
team. The Heroes include Blitzen (speedster), Donner (strongwoman), Iota (shrinker with a
bag of shrunken hardware), Payback (your basic mutant monster), Starlight (a "human pulsar"),
and Static (teen with electric powers). The mini-series covers how they became a team and
their first major crisis together.
I laughed out loud many times while reading this series. The lighthearted (and
non-sensational) treatment of the lesbian relationship between speedster Blitzen and
strongwoman Donner was the source of several of these laughs. Static's reaction when Blitzen
referred to Donner as "my lover" was priceless, as were the couple's friendly bickering over
how and when and where to disclose the nature of their relationship.
The humour (of which the lesbian gags were only a small part) was one of the delights of
this series. (See also the scene in which Static gets Blitzen to try The Flash's
run-on-water-like-a-skipping-stone trick... unsuccessfully. "Hmm. Guess I'll save the time
treadmill idea for later...") It made this story actually fun to read,
which is all too rare in modern superhero books. This was good old-fashioned superduping,
albeit with a modern "90's" sensibility.
Yes, this is a Milestone comic, and it does feature a multi-ethnic, female-inclusive cast
of heroes. But it does so in a way that neither draws attention to, nor belittles that
fact. When a letter-writer mused about dropping Static and Payback to make it an "all-girl"
team, that was the first I'd noticed that most of the team are women, because they were all
presented as characters with powers, not Static-Boy, Blitzen-Woman, Starlight-Girl, etc.
I'm not quite sure what their ethnic or racial identities are, but colorist Julia Lacquement
used a variety of hues on them.
There are a lot of people who never tried reading any Milestone books when the company was
launched, many of them doing so because they perceived it as a "black" or "PC" line of books.
I'd recommend that they pick up this series and give it a read. It compares favourably to
much of the early Milestone books (as many recent issues of their ongoing series do not),
and typifies much of what Milestone is really about: good stories featuring good characters
with (usually) good art.
The art did fall apart a little at the end. After four issues of very good ChrisCross/Rollins,
we got an issue of James Fry and several inkers, which was consistent enough with the previous
issues and itself. But the last issue, with Fry and Keith Pollard sharing "breakdowns" and a
gaggle of "finishers" and inkers, the art ranged from "good" to "who's that?"
But the storytelling and characterisation remained solid. And when it was over, I wished
that it weren't. I wanted Heroes #7. Because this book ranks right up there with
Icon, The Blood Syndicate and the first year of Static as the best of
Milestone's line.
During the run of this series, Milestone held a contest for the best answer to the question:
"Should Heroes become an ongoing series?" I neglected to enter, so here's my belated
answer: "Yes... because the world needs Heroes."