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 "RETCON" is a shortening of the phrase "retroactive continuity". It refers to a story or statement which in any way alters previously-established history in an ongoing series.

 A "retcon" can be as innocuous as Roy Thomas' All-Star Squadron (which coined the phrase) or Kurt Busiek's Untold Tales of Spider-Man. These series simply tell stories set in a particular past time, which don't contradict any of the previous stories. For example, there was never an explanation in the 1960's of why Peter Parker stopped wearing glasses; an Untold Tales of Spider-Man story explained how it happened.

 At the other extreme, a "retcon" can be a complete dismissal of all past history. Examples of this are John Byrne's Man of Steel mini-series in 1986, or the Legion of Super-Heroes stories published after Zero Hour in August 1994. Man of Steel retold the origin of Superman, implicitly declaring that all previously-published stories about the character never happened, and that previously-established facts were no longer necessarily true. For example, in the 1930's it was established that Ma and Pa Kent died when Clark was a young adult; Man of Steel stated that they were still alive.